GLT’s primary function is to carry out industrially-led and innovative research and development to provide green and sustainable solutions to industrial problems.
What makes GLT unique is our ability to identify innovative technologies and accelerate their commercialisation and deployment within the sustainable energy and chemical industries.
How do we do this?
Identifying innovation
- Internal
- Academia
- Industry
Fast-tracking to commercialisation
Technology validation & de-risking
- Laboratory access at Queens University Belfast and University of York
- Internal pilot and demo plants at The Wilton Centre, Teesside
- Advantaged access to innovation hub
- High quality resource pool
Commercial viability
- Market viability
- Competitive analysis
- Business opportunity
- Industry partners include PET producers and major oil and chemical companies
- Partners provide commercial and market validation
Business strategy
- Business Model creation
- Business Plan
- Management team with 70+ years of experience
- Partners provide business support and financing
Deployment phase
- Technology deployment
- Business Operation
- Models for the future of each opportunity can be a JV, SPV, manufacturing or licensing structure
Technology Business
- Business units are typically spun out into separate companies
- Companies are either self sustaining or funded by partners
- GLT gains income from these units from profit distribution, licence income or management fee
GLT has six technology projects underway: